I remember explaining to bewildered friends and colleagues (overseas) in February on the scale of panic and disruption the Coronavirus outbreak caused in Hong Kong and now unfortunately the rest of the world is struggling with it as well. While there are plenty of common sense tips and suggestions/recommendations on how tackle it I thought it helpful to share some of our internal communications and approaches on handling the Coronavirus from our various offices around the world. They are by no means perfect and it is also not a comprehensive list of all our communications related to COVID19 but could be used as a starting template for anyone else if you don’t yet have an established framework.
Since early February we have maintained a supply of masks available for those who cannot get one (in the earlier days of the outbreak it was difficult to get them) and have placed alcohol sprays, air purifiers and disinfectant hand gel throughout the office which is being cleaned on an hourly basis as well as established work from home procedures where applicable.
— — Message 1 — —
In view of the latest progress on COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, United States, Iran and Britain, we urge everyone to take extra precautions so that we can all remain in good health. Please ensure that you follow the below procedures:
- Everyone is highly recommended to wear a face mask when you hang out.
2. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
3. Maintain social distancing, maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone.
4. Practice respiratory etiquette by covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow or shoulder, not into your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth; germs are spread this way.
5. Know the signs and symptoms of the flu. Symptoms of flu include fever or chills and cough or sore throat. In addition, symptoms of flu can include runny nose, body aches, headache, tiredness, diarrhea, or vomiting. A fever is a temperature taken with a thermometer that is equal to or greater than 37.8 Celsius or 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Signs of fever include: if the person feels very warm, has a flushed appearance, or is sweating or shivering.
6. Stay home if you are sick until at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever or signs of a fever. This should be determined without the use of fever-reducing medications (ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
7. Talk with your health care provider about whether you should be vaccinated for seasonal flu.
8. If you are sick, avoid travelling. Investigate current flu activity in your region of travel.
9. If you intend to betravelling to China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, France, US please inform HR and your direct Supervisor about your departure and arrival dates. We advise you to remain vigilant and to check travel alerts and advice.
Based on our experience, we would recommend you to have available masks, cleaning alcohol, hand sanitizers and disinfectant products in the office. For further information about the COVID-19, please click here: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019. We hope that everyone will take precautions and stay healthy!
— — — Message 2 — — -
Please note that the Hong Kong Government has issued a “Red” travel alert on March 15 on the United States, Britain and Ireland and has imposed a compulsory home quarantine for arrivals in the previous 14 days from these three countries and Egypt. There is also an existing “Red” travel alert for the following countries in view of the health risks arising from the outbreak of the COVID-19: Iran, Japan (Hokkaido), Korea and certain European countries (Schengen Area). Please visit the Security Bureau’s Outbound Travel Alert webpage for more information: https://www.sb.gov.hk/eng/ota. Staff are advised to consider avoiding all non-essential travel outside Hong Kong.
To minimize the health risks to our staff, please inform HR Department if:
- You or your immediate family/household member have travelled to any of the above places since February;
- You or your immediate family/household member is a suspected COVID-19 case and have been contacted by the Department of Health and are in quarantine;
- You have symptoms of a respiratory tract infection/pneumonia;
- You have been in social contact (day-to-day activities, meetings etc.) with a suspected sufferer of the illness. You should immediately visit a doctor and act on the doctor’s advice.
All staff are also required to fill out the following Staff Travel Record Questionnaire for HR to collect your/your immediate family members’ travel record since January 2020: [link to questionnaire] If you travel more than once, please fill out the form for each trip.
We would like to remind everyone to please continue to be vigilant, maintain good hygiene and follow the basic protective measures against the new Coronavirus:
- Wear a mask in the office
- Wash your hands frequently
- Maintain social distancing
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Stay informed and follow the advice given by your healthcare provider
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HR Department.
— — Message 3 — —
We are aware that public transport services have been adjusted or suspended today. As always the main concern for our company is the safety of our staff. Therefore, all staff are advised to work from home.
Kindly note updated communication will be sent via SLACK channel and company wide email so please keep yourself up to date. Should you have any questions please let HR and your Team Leads know. Thank you!
— — Message 4 — —
We are monitoring advisories from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) in Hong Kong. The company is monitoring any travel to or from China by our employees and employees with contact from people that have travelled to China.
Please be reminded to avoid gathering in groups, exercise good hygiene if you are in public spaces (such as wiping your hands with Alcohol spray or wipes), and maintain good routines to stay healthy.
In providing added flexibility to our staff to avoid high traffic hours and crowds we changed the bus pickup and drop off schedule times.
The new shuttle bus hours:
[Details Removed]
Thank you all for your support and understanding. Hope you stay well and healthy this week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact HR.
— — Message 5— —
Happy Chinese New Year! Due to the escalating situation caused by the Wuhan Coronavirus, to better protect the safety and health of our teammates and their family members, please find below our updated work arrangements:
Work from home is permitted provided a proper setup is in place. Effective set up means a laptop or a computer at home connected for a work setup, access to the internet, check in system, communication (Slack, SKYPE, WhatsApp), regular meetings can still take place via VIDEO CONFERENCE. You are expected to be as reachable during working hours remotely via video as if you were present in the office. Each department will have different business needs, so please discuss with your Team Leads.
Staff who exhibit flu-like symptoms must consult a doctor. You should not return to office without medical clearance. You can apply for a sick leave if necessary.
Everyone MUST wear a face mask upon your return to the office. Please continue to follow respiratory etiquette and practice good hand washing hygiene.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact HR or you Team Leads. If you decide to work from home, please let HR know so we may be aware of your whereabouts.